Friday, February 6, 2009


Well, I only know one person here and came here to reconnect with him. *waves*

Today was a good day, tiring, but good. We erupted 24 volcanoes all built exclusively by the students in my 5th grade classes. They were very proud of themselves and did a great job. I love it when parents help my students with work, but I love it even more when the creation is their own.

I have food coloring stains on my hands that will probably be there for at least two weeks. One of my favorite sweaters is probably ruined.

Would I do it again? You bet! I love seeing excitement on the faces of my students and feeling the energy that exudes from them when they really like something.

It was great.

I am so tired.


  1. Teacher,

    I am so very glad that you came back to hang out. I fondly remember my days of building a paper mache volcano and bringing it to science class. It really was a fun time.

    I remember helping my daughter with that very same project. Different era but the same kind of fun.

    Lots of fun.

    I'm glad you are here. I hope and pray that you and your family are doing well.

    Any vacation plans for you this summer?


  2. I'm here too.. :) and I'm happy that you found him. I also hope that you'll be writing. Even though I have you on facebook, it's great to be able to read your writings as well.

    *hugsss* love you!
